Intelligence and temperament, they go hand in hand you know
So a professor told me about intelligence and temperament today and how they're different but complementary qualities. Then he proceeded to quote the example of Sachin Tendulkar and Vinod Kambli. I think what he was trying to tell me was that I am like Kambli, and if I continue to behave like Kambli I will never be successful like Tendulkar. Ouch? Well, I don't really know how to react. I suppose he said it in my best interest; not to forget he's actually implying that perhaps I have a sound brain, as in I am intelligent. You see the thing is I don't believe that most of the times, not when I feel so limited in my understanding when I look at people around me talking like intellectually stimulated people do. And heck my grades don't speak much of me. The most I have scored is a B+. I think my problem is that I am not motivated enough to even study. There is nothing that excites me with so much curiosity that the only solution is to read more and explore, dig in deep and learn. Getting good grades is no motivation enough. I'm not implying I don't want good grades. Maybe what I am saying is I don't want to work so hard just to get good grades. Or maybe this is just one good excuse I am making trying to convince and reconcile myself at the same time.
Having described my apparent disillusionment the fact remains, and I am convinced of it in my heart, that the professor is right. What is the point of being blessed with a good mind when I won't persevere to make the best of it? A mediocre life would be so tragic. Another interesting advice I received from the professor was to work passionately at my studies the way I claim to do as with my 'churchy' activities. To do it as I would worship, he added. How amusing to be reminded through him of the whole idea that I prescribe to of 'doing everything as unto God'. Being responsible with my studies would indeed be an act of worship. Well living on the whole should be worship, more so living fully and turning everything that life encompasses in worship towards God the maker of all things. Living a life of worship. It is so much more than just the songs and praises, you know. Which, by the way, leaves me all the more at loss of everything. And I seriously don't know what to do. If I could simply choose something and decide to love it I would. But you see the thing is I have loved, loved passionately and the thing about it is that I didn't choose to love. I just loved. Like they say, it just happened you know. If I could truly choose to lead a life of worship, especially in terms of my academic life since that is my major concern here, I would do it. Perhaps choosing is not the same as wishing and the fact of the matter is that I do nothing more than only wish. And like I said I know what it is to love passionately. I only wish I had that passion with every other aspect of my life.
Intelligence and temperament, they go hand in hand. Let's say I have the intelligence. I am not stupid, that much I believe. Only question how do I find the right temperament?
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