Some more DIYs
I had said I would share again if and when I made more stuff on whatever pretext. DIYs make me happy and keep me occupied on idle days, so I think I will always be doing them until the day I die. These are the ones I did recently:
This is a card I made for another one of my friend's wedding. That out of place sparkly green box in the top left of the picture is my beloved tool-box, and I just felt like including it there:
I didn't make the dress. That collar, though, is the addition I made to jazz up the dress a bit. I saw this DIY in a magazine and decided to try it myself:
I didn't make this next dress either. I bought it at a fund-raiser years ago and didn't wear it for a while because I just wasn't buying myself a belt to accompany it, until one day I decided to give it some shape myself. I have done the stitching work both in the front and back. Too bad I have forgotten what this stitching technique is called. You still can't see the improved shape of the dress here because someone has to wear it to see the difference, and I didn't want to model.
PS This is not a recent DIY. Forgot to share it the first time.
This is a hair-pin I made today for my younger sister because she asked me to:
And the last one for today.
These are bookmarks I made last night because I was extremely bored. I think I will give them to my music band at church. I have written verses from the Holy Bible on each. Very appropriate:
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